Why Cybersecurity Should Be a Top Priority for Horticulture

Why Cybersecurity Should Be a Top Priority for Horticulture

Just before Mother's Day, an Ohio nursery faced every business owner's worst nightmare: a ransomware attack. It hit right at the peak season, threatening to halt plant shipments. Thankfully, the nursery didn’t cave to the ransom demand. Instead, they bounced back quickly, thanks to a solid disaster recovery plan and secure backup systems. Crisis averted—but it raises a big question: Is your nursery prepared for a cyberattack?

Why Cybersecurity Should Be a Top Priority for Horticulture

That Ohio nursery's experience shows how crucial cybersecurity is in today’s horticulture industry. Multi-layered defenses like firewalls and antivirus software aren’t enough on their own. You need a disaster recovery plan that's actionable and up to date. It’s all about redundancy—like having backup systems in an airplane—you need to be ready for anything without skipping a beat.

Cyberattacks often exploit weaknesses in outdated or poorly integrated software systems. When your business runs on fragmented software that’s not properly managed or updated, you create gaps in your digital defenses. Attackers know this and use tactics like phishing to trick employees or sneak malware into these vulnerable systems.

Image: How cyberattacks typically hit horticultural businesses

Once hackers get in, they can steal sensitive data—everything from financial records to customer info. Without a secure, unified software system, monitoring and protecting your operations becomes a real challenge. The fix? Consolidating your software, keeping it up to date, and implementing a strong, comprehensive security strategy that covers every part of your digital setup.

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How cyber attacks typically occur at horticultural companies

Why are you more secure with Agriware?

Here’s how it works: A cloud-based solution like Agriware 365 constantly updates itself, keeping your system secure with the latest protections. Unlike on-premise software, it uses multi-layered security across its datacenters, infrastructure, and operations to defend against cyber threats. Data is backed up automatically in the cloud, making recovery from any disruption faster and easier. It also scales as your business grows, without the need for new hardware. Plus, 24/7 monitoring and global redundancy ensure reliability and uptime.

How Safe is Agriware ERP Software?

What makes Agriware 365 stand out? It’s deeply integrated with Microsoft Azure, turning it into a digital fortress with top-tier security features. This system doesn’t just block threats; it creates a resilient environment that keeps your data safe and your business running smoothly. For horticultural companies looking to stay secure in an increasingly digital world, Agriware 365 is a game-changer.

Unlike on-premise software, it uses multi-layered security across its datacenters, infrastructure, and operations to defend against cyber threats.

What You Can Do Today to Boost Your Cybersecurity:

  • Understand your vulnerabilities:
    Action: Conduct a security audit of your current systems. Find the weak spots and prioritize fixing them.
  • Seamlessly integrate technology:
    Action: Review your tech stack. Are there areas where smarter technology could cut down on errors, boost efficiency, or improve security?
  • Ensure business continuity:
    Action: Create a continuity plan that includes digital resilience. Think about worst-case scenarios like cyberattacks or natural disasters and make sure you can bounce back fast.
  • Plan for a secure digital future:
    Action: Set aside time for strategic planning. Focus on incorporating secure, reliable solutions like Agriware 365 into your long-term growth strategy.

Cyber Attacks Are Getting Smarter

Today’s cyber threats are stealthy—often lurking in your systems for months before you even know they’re there. But the damage can happen in minutes. As the horticultural industry continues to go digital, having secure and reliable software isn’t just an option; it’s essential. Your software is more than a tool—it’s your first line of defense in protecting your business's future.

Ready to Secure Your Business?

Agriware 365, powered by Microsoft Azure, is built specifically for the horticultural industry. It’s not just about storing data—it’s about protecting your entire operation, from tracking plant growth to managing your supply chain.

About Mprise Agriware

Mprise Agriware offers integrated, Microsoft-based business management software designed specifically for the horticulture industry. Our platform brings together finance, sales, inventory, production, and operations into one easy-to-use application. With Agriware, you gain insights, drive growth, and get ready for whatever’s next.

Garrett Walsh software sales consultant mprise Agriware

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